Pokemon Heart Red is a Pokemon Nintendo DS Rom Hack Remake of Pokemon Heart Gold in English. And it’s now available for download.

Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue or Green were definitely the frontrunners of the Pokemon series. These games have also been relaunched by FireRed and LeafGreen. Red is so popular that we are going to discuss a ROM hack for DS called Pokémon HeartRed.
The base of the ROM is Pokemon Heart Gold (preferably the Heart Gold (U) ROM). This hack is a good combination of Pokemon Red and Gen 1 elements mixed into Heart Gold elements. It’s the best of both worlds if you love both red and heart gold. It should be a Soul Blue, but that’s not available for now.
Full game filename:
- Game Name: Pokemon Heart Red
- Platform: NDS
- City: Celadon City
- Remake of: Pokemon Heart Gold
- Language: English
- Remake by: TriggerHappy187
Pokemon Heart Red NDS ROM Download Details And More
The story is a modified retelling of Pokemon Red. While Red is the focus, much of the dialogue and some elements come from FireRed. Basically, the story is about red and uses some elements from Heart Gold.
Heart Gold is Gen 4 but originally from Gen 2, and Red is Gen 1 but you start with Gen 1 Pokemon. In fact, you can catch many of the later generations. You’ll also encounter characters from Gen 1 and Gen 2, but that doesn’t happen until later. Many of the elements are derived from Heart Gold, such as B. Statistics, movements and others. You’ll find your way if you’ve already played both games.
Features List
- New strategic position
- All characters have their own moves.
- The movesets and graphics are really improved.
- The gym badges are 4.
- Day care (with breeding)
- Many (some WIP) scripted events (Mt Moon, Bill’s House, S.S. Anne ect..)
- Running shoes & bike are available
- Day and night system is available.
- The weather can be changed.
- Pokemon follow you.
- The graphics are classic
- You can now travel to Celadon City via Route 7.

More info about pokémon heartgold and soulsilver in wikipédia