Download Pokemon Ash Gray GBA ROM Hack by FireRed by metapod23. Play Pokemon Ash Gray now, play it on your device with your favorite GBA emulator.

Pokemon Ash Gray GBA Rom Download
Creator: metapod23
Version: Beta 4.5.3
Hack by: FireRed
Updated on: March 2, 2017
In Pokemon Ash Gray, your name is Ash Ketchum and you are about to embark on your great Pokemon adventure. Unfortunately you stayed up all night watching Pokémon battles and woke up late! Since all of your Pallet Town rivals (the most annoying of them is Gary) have taken all the available starters, I guess you’ll have to go home…unless you want Pikachu instead. Also Try Pokemon Xenoverse Download.
You’re about to embark on a 116 event (plus two movie event) adventure that puts you in the shoes of Ash, allowing you to catch the Pokémon he catches and make the choices he makes. How will your journey as Ash Ketchum go? There’s only one way to find out!
Follows the same events as in the Pokemon anime series
Catch all Pokémon Ash catches
Get rewards for carrying Ash’s team
New tiles, sprites and maps
New tools to replace HMs
Hatchet replaces Cut
Computer teleport system replaces flying
Raft replaces surfing
Pickaxe replaces Rock Smash
Climbing set is used instead of rock climbing
Whirlpuller is used to cross whirlpools
*** Evil Eggs appear in storage boxes. DO NOT MOVE!
*** Teachy TV is broken. DO NOT USE IT!
In certain areas you cannot get on or off the motorcycle.
Ashley’s backrest/HP bar is sometimes discolored
The berry system in Pallet Town is not working properly
Slight error in the Pallet Town windmill
also check out Pokemon GS Chronicles.