Download Pokemon Flora Sky GBA ROM Hack from 12345 based on Pokemon Emerald. New story and characters, 386 pokemon in hack with new sprites.

Download Pokemon Flora Sky GBA Rom
Creator: 12345 (SKY)
Version: Final version
Hack by: Emerald
Updated on: August 7, 2016
Discover the Land of Secrets with Legendary Pokemon. To avoid further dangers and save the world, you must close the portal. You must stop Giratina with your friends and bring peace back to the world.
In Pokemon Flora Sky you will meet Team Magma and Team Aqua. Do you think this team can help you on your journey? Well, let’s find out by playing Flora Sky. There are many amazing new features in Flora Sky that you will discover as you progress through the game.
Pokemon Flora Sky game is worth playing and exploring. Anyone can play and enjoy Pokemon Flora Sky, and it is NOT just for girls. Although the game hasn’t been updated for several years, the fun and uniqueness of the game remains.
Be sure to try Pokemon Inclement Emerald too
- new story
- New events for Legendary Pokemon
- New Characters
- 386 Pokemon in hack with new sprites
- New moves, cards, items, HM’s
- New minigame
- Day and night system with daily events
- Main Legendaries: Shaymin, Giratina, Dialga. After defeating E4: Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquza, Mew, Arceus
Changes in complement Dex
- All missing Pokemon in the main version
- All trio Pokemon with 580 base stats and Heatran will be reduced to 520
- Magmar’s Nose Palette and Uxie’s stats have been corrected, Darmanitan’s base stats have been reduced
- Increasing the level of trainers after Pokemon League

Also Try Pokemon Gaia GBA ROM Download.
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