Pokemon Iris is a Pokemon GBA Rom Hack by koder based on Pokemon FireRed in Spanish. And it’s now available for download.

Pokemon Iris Info:
Creator: koder
Version: Beta 1
Hack of: FireRed
Try also Pokemon Fusion Download or Pokemon Wack Download
Pokemon Iris Description:
A long time ago there was a newly formed region called Iris. No one knows where and when it arose, not even those who created it and for what reason. Many researchers have teamed up to find out the history of this place, but they all failed as there are too many Pokemon types living here together: Kanto – Johto – Hoenn – even Sinnoh. There is some conjecture: people say that Lugia and Celebi created the Iris region. They have fought for so long to decide who has the right to expand this region. The outcome of these fights has not yet been decided. And so this rumor became so widespread that many people want to catch the two. try the new game Pokemon Psychic Adventures download (Latest Version)
You are Ash/Misti’s grandson. You have no interest in the life of the Pokemon, so you don’t care. One day your grandfather/grandmother tells you that you have a responsibility to save the planet just like they did in their past. Okay, you gotta stand up and be a hero.

Pokemon Iris Features
- A new region.
- The new Pokedex contains Gen I through Gen IV Pokemon.
- New graphics and music.
- New protagonists and rivals.
Also enjoy new Pokemon Nintendo DS games on our website >> Pokemon Nds Rom Hacks