Download Pokemon Nameless the prequel to Pokemon Mega Power and the sequel to Pokemon Resolute. In this game you play the role of Chronya, the young hero of the Cyenn region.

Download Pokemon Nameless GBA Rom
Creator: Wind1158
Version: Beta 4.10 (Full)
Hack by: FireRed
Updated on: October 08, 2022
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12 years ago, Altena, the general of the Valo Empire, was forced to leave her country with her daughter Chronya. All Chronya knew was that her father lived in the Cyenn region. One day, she and her mother decided to ask their father for help. On the way, however, they were attacked by dark workers in the service of the Valo Emperor. The Emperor wanted to get rid of Altena forever. Altena had fallen into the Dark Worker’s trap. Chronya had no choice and jumped into the ocean. Luckily, she was rescued by a young agent named Gavin. To protect Chronya, Gavin gave Chronya his Pokemon. This is the beginning of Chronya’s journey…
Even if fighting Gyms isn’t your main concern, they are necessary to continue the story. You fight the supposed gym bosses in arenas and win a badge. The list of Pokemon is from generation IV to VIII, so you should think about who you want.
The general gameplay is still the same, although since this is a ROM hack some of them have been adjusted. It also has some elements of an open-world game, if you can relate to that. Also, the game is complete apart from a few bugs that may still need to be fixed.
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List of Features
- New Regions – Cyenn Region, Western Tyron Region, Sevii Islands and Lande Region
- Pokemon from Gen 4 to 8
- Mega evolution during battle
- Black and white repel system
- Battle arenas take the place of gyms
- The tournament replaces the Cyenn League
- Skills replace HMs
- A slightly more open world
- The ability to decide when to start the main storyline
Pokemon Nameless Credits
Wind1158, LU-HO, HackMew, karatekid552, Kurapika, FBI, esperance, Darthatron, jiangzhengwenjzw, Touched