Pokemon Snakewood GBA Rom Hack by Cutlerine is a hacked ROM of Pokemon Ruby. pokemon snakewood now available for download.

Pokemon Snakewood GBA Rom Download Pre Patched
Creator: Cutlerine
Version: Final version (corrected)
Hack by: FireRed
Updated on: July 29, 2016

from Pokemon Snakewood is a bit scary, scary and yet funny. The scene takes place in the small town of Littleroot, where you wake up with no memory. It’s kind of a mystery for you to figure out how you got there, what your real identity is, and what’s really happening while you sleep. Also Try Pokemon Mega Power.
The city is in great chaos, the houses are destroyed and reduced to rubble, then you find three pokeballs with Paras, Koffing and Baltoy. After choosing your Pokemon, you leave town to begin your next adventure. Your journey has begun. Together with Prof. Birch you will find your brother Landon and Birch’s daughter May who have disappeared.
On your journey you will face terrifying zombies, zombified Pokemon, witches and demons. Fight and defeat the forces of evil as you work to uncover your past. When you read the story of Pokemon Snakewood, you will think that it is a horror game. That’s only partly true, because Snakewood really is a fun and exciting game with lots of cool, unique characters and amazing features. Check out Pokemon Cloud White to!
- New scripts, new overworlds, new sprites
- New areas like the hidden Meathouse, the crazy Island of Calm and the unexpected Hoenn University of Film
- Several zombie versions of normal Pokemon
- 6 Denjuu
- Badges are obtained in a slightly unusual way as most of the gyms have now been destroyed by zombies
- Cheating characters that will lie to you
- An unusual and somewhat rambling storyline
- A bunch of references to books, movies, manga, other hacks and other things
- Slightly darker plot than usual
- Slightly increased difficulty

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