Pokemon Sun Sky and Moon Galaxy GBA Rom Hacks Download
Pokemon Sun Sky and Moon Galaxy GBA ROM Hacks based on Pokemon Sun and Moon created by Ishrak’s PokeTips & Gohan’s Tips.
There’s always something intriguing about two-game ROM hacks. It’s the concept for the main Pokemon games. We have games like Red and Blue, Gold and Silver, and more. That’s where Pokemon Sun Sky and Moon Galaxy comes in, because those are two games but ROM hacks. Also Try Pokemon Moon Black Rom Hack
These aren’t the only ROM hacks that are dual games, but it’s an interesting approach.
You get two of the same games with different Pokemon you can get, which is always a good thing. We’ll tackle everything you can expect from these two games.
Sun Sky and Moon Galaxy Info:
Creator: Ishrak’s PokeTips & Gohan’s Tips
Version: Completed
Hack by: FeuerRot
Updated on: November 3, 2020
The story is an alternate version after the end of Pokemon Red and Blue. The main character Red lives his life and has a son. Then, 15 years later, your character begins their own story to become a Pokemon master.
You even have Brock as Kanto’s new Pokemon Professor. Guide your character through different locations from Kanto to Alola. Try also Pokemon Moon Diamond
- Mega Evolution
- Alola Region and Kanto Region
- Alola, Kanto and Galar forms
- Shiny Pokemon
- new story
- new professor
- Lillie and other Alolan friends
- Z trains
- New tilesets
- All Pokemon (Gen1-7)
- Ultra Beasts
- Z moves are available
- Trainers can use Mega Evolutions in combat
- A new boss of team Rainbow Rocket is discovered!
- A Mysterious Gift (Meltan) Alola. region
- You can catch wild Alolan starters.
- Find more in game!!!18. All Legendaries
Known bugs
- The Viridian Forest has a game crash bug. Save before entering the forest and try not to open options near NPCs.
- Some invisible blocks
- Some Pokémon can perform strange moves
- Try to have a teleporting Pokemon like Ralts or Abra for safety
- Some Pokemon screams are not fixed. They use the Bulbasaur shout.
- A warping problem in a house in Vermilion City brings you to Pewter

More info About Pokemon Sun Sky and Pokemon Moon Galaxy in Wiki