Pokemon Sword And Shield GBA Rom is remake of Pokemon FireRed. And it’s now available for download.

Download Pokemon Sword and Shield GBA Rom Pre-Patched
Creator: PCL.G
Version: v10.2 (completed)
Hack by: FeuerRot
Pokemon Sword And Shield is a remake of Pokemon FireRed made for the GBA. In the latest Pokemon games, Sword and Shield, trainers can explore a whole new region with all-new environments, befriend the kitten-like beaver Pooka as a starter Pokemon, and explore wild areas to catch more than 100 never-before-seen Pokemon. But if you’re feeling adventurous, you must also protect the Galar region from an invading force. According to the Pokemon company The Pokemon Company, the game is set in the brand new region of Galar, which includes seven cities and four towns.
Logically, it’s not 100% the same as the Switch version, but it’s as good as you’ll get for GBA.
(Creator’s comment) This is my first ROM, so don’t expect it to compete with the ROMs that have been in production for years.
-To get Gigantamax/Dynamax for your Pokemon (the ones that can Gigantamax/Dynamax) you have to get a wishing star and activate it in battle by pressing start.
Be sure to check out the Pokemon Crystal Advance Redux GBA Rom
About the game
The events of Sword and Shield take place in the Galar region, a large, narrow stretch of land that is one of many in the Pokémon world. Shigeru Ohmori, the game’s director, described it as a more modern setting. The region itself is influenced by Britain, with many landmarks resembling the Houses of Parliament and the Cerne Abbas Giant. In the south of the Galar region are rural towns with cottages and Victorian architecture. The center of the region is populated by an industrial revolution-style city with steampunk elements.
Many towns in the region have Pokémon Gyms that look like soccer stadiums and feature both Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing as introduced by Pokémon League Galar Chairman Rose. Much of the region’s northern areas are dominated by snow-capped mountains. The Wild Zone, an open-world area with numerous roaming species of Pokémon, encompasses much of the region’s south-central region. The weather in the Wild Zone changes regularly.
Pokémon already introduced in previous games, such as As in Pokémon Sun and Moon, such as Weezing will receive regional Galarian forms with new types, stats, and appearances. Some Pokémon, like Linoone and Meowth, can even evolve regionally.
- gigamax
- Dynamax
- Mega Evolution
- All Generation 8 Pokemon
- Galar forms
- Galar region
- Sword & Shield Story
- New & Improved Tiles
- Sword & Shield Sprites
- New moves
- Physical/Special Allocation
- New music
- Added fairy type
- BW menus
- exp share
- raid battles
- Pokémon in the overworld
- Sword & Shield NPCs
- IV and EV system
DLC features
- Isle of Armor after reset
- New Territories
- More raid battles
- New Characters
- New Gym Leaders
- Kubfu & Urshifu

Download Pokemon Sword & Shield GBA Free
You can download pokemon sword and shield GBA Rom via the download button at the top of the page