Pokemon Moon Black 2 is an NDS Rom Hack based on Pokemon Black 2 with Gen 7 Pokemon, Mega Evolution, Alolan forms, new regional forms, new protagonist and much more! Also, be sure to check out the Pokemon Platinum Version Rom.

Pokemon Moon Black 2 description
You are a League Champion and you have won the final challenge of Hooray Island. You have received permission from Prof. Kukui to travel to the Unova region to test your knowledge of Alola. You and your rival Gladion will choose a new starter Pokemon and embark on another journey to the Unova region.
You will eventually meet Team Skull paving the way for you, and many things will happen along the way. Once you’ve defeated the Unova Champion, you’ll be eligible to participate in the PWT regional tournament as a representative of the Alola region.
Also Try Pokemon Blaze Black 2.
Pokemon Moon Black 2 Info :
Creators: JrFort & Aster
Hack by: Black 2
Version: Beta 4.2.2
Updated on: April 4, 2022

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- New Pokemon
- Mega Evolution (Out of Combat)
- Pokemon from Unova, Kalos, Alola and Galar
- Unova forms and Alola forms
- New rivals
- New Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Champion
- New items
- New moves
- New Events
- Harder level of difficulty
- Fairy type and the new type table
- Brand new Pokemon World Tournament – featuring trainers from every region
Is Pokemon Moon Black 2 ready?
How many Pokemon are there in Pokemon Moon Black 2?
Does Pokemon Black 2 have a Mega Evolution?
More info about Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Here